The Longest Hour

02 June 2021

Mental Block is oa problem many writers face. It is sometimes inevitable that during writing you suddenly lose your momentum and the flow of thought suddenly stops so that I cannot anymore continue with what I am writing about. It takes hours for me to regain and recreate the flow of thought I had before. A writer’s block happens for the following reasons:

  • Information overload - when your brain has too much information to process, sometimes it has to put fresh ideas on paper. This usually happens to me especially when I am writing and then thinking of other things to do or worry about some trivial problems that cross my mind that I have to resolve quickly such as family problems, work issues, etc.
  • Not the right time - this happens when you are suddenly forced to work and write on a given topic the soonest you can. Writing is an activity that needs sufficient time to gather the writer’s thoughts, organize the ideas, then write a draft about it. Rewrite again until it is already polished and the thoughts are well-arranged for the reader to understand enjoy that piece of composition
  • Inspiration - some writers need to be inspired or to be motivated in order to write well. Famous writers and poets claimed of having their own inspirations in order that ideas will flow freely from the mind before they start to write
  • Negative thoughts about writing - there are aspiring writers that worry about the possible reactions of the readers before putting words on paper. It happens especially if the writer is a greenhorn in the field and wants to try and venture into it. It sometimes is the case for a budding writer. But just like any other career, writing must be tried and tested if this is really meant for you.
  • The atmosphere is not conducive to writing - some writers are motivated to write in a calm and serene atmosphere, if possible close to nature such as a mountainous area, near the beach, under a big tree, some sort of that. However, there are writers that are inspired to pen their ideas in the middle of a city life, bustling and busy all the time. The noise of cars, people passing by, connote modernity, enthusiasm, and energy.  

In fact, coffee shops are a haven for writers. The noise of people interacting and conversing with one another is sometimes captivating for a writer that the scenario motivates them to write.

When I experience writer’s block, I do not force myself to write anything. I get out of my comfort zone and do whatever I want to please me and to motivate me even for a few minutes before I write. Actually, I eat my favorite slice of cake or indulge in eating fruits or chocolates before I start writing. Those are my strategies for me to be able to start writing especially when a deadline is due.

I do not have any choice but to write and finish my writing tasks for the day. But I have to be really motivated in order to let those creative juices flow from my mind. It is not easy to write. I think most writers will agree with me.

As I try to condition and motivate myself to write, there are other strategies that you may do as a budding writer such as :

  • Do some freewriting- this is an activity wherein you just write anything about your topic without really thinking in depth about it. Let your hands guide you to write words, phrases until you are able to write in full sentences. I do this most of the time to condition my mind to pen my thoughts
  • Try to change the setting where you are writing. Go somewhere else in order to motivate your mind and let your brain refresh itself so that ideas will just flow naturally once you sit on your desk and start writing.
  • Talk to someone near you. Even a gardener would be a good prospect to keep your mood on the right perspective. I mean, you too could talk to a gardener with some sense and with enthusiasm especially when the topic is about flowers and plants that they are trained for. Eventually, you will realize that you have a lot of ideas that may become relevant to the topic you are going to write about. 
  • Have some coffee with your favorite cookies or sandwich
  • Have some fun playing with your family whoever is around
  • Read some inspirational books if you are into it or any kind of book that will inspire you to write
  • Start writing with any part of the article. It could be the conclusion, the title, or the introduction. Just start writing. Organizing is easier when the ideas are already written on paper

Mind you, I have done all of these and they really helped me a lot to do my writing assignment. When my brain is instructed to write already, I go back to my desk and start to scribble or free-write to keep me going with my writing task.

One of my greatest inspirations is having an adjustable standing desk manufactured by FlexiSpot. I love this desk because it is perfect for every writer out there. It is called Theodore Standing Desk-48" W.  The product comes with stunning features that I wish I had right now. 

The height is adjustable so you could work sitting or standing and goes with the user’s height. This adjustable standing desk has an innovative design that complements whatever you want to accomplish on it. The built-in storage drawers are spacious enough to put your office supplies, smartphone, or other devices.

You are able to write smoothly and make a call in between your work because it has a built-in USB port where you can charge your phone or any device. Installation only takes 3 steps to follow then everything is all set for your writing adventure.

The longest hour to write will be a pleasure and comfortable experience for you.