What to Look for in A Standing Desk

14 June 2021

Many individuals believe that sitting in front of a computer screen all day is good for your health. However, the truth is that sitting for long periods of time can be harmful to your health. Long periods of sitting have been shown in studies to have negative effects on those with health issues. Obesity and metabolic syndrome, as well as a variety of other diseases, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, extra body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels, could result.
85 percent of workers are uncomfortable at their desk employment, especially if they are unable to change positions throughout the day. The easiest method to avoid these health problems is to alternate your postures, going from sitting to standing and even sitting at a stool height counter. Someone who is tethered to a computer at a desk and can't merely get up to change positions is a good candidate for a sit-stand desk.
More businesses are now concerned about employee well-being. As a result, employees will need adjustable standing workstations (also known as stand-up workstations, sit-to-stand desks, or height-adjustable workstations).

As a result, if you use a standing desk, you've made the appropriate decision that may benefit your health. Consider the following factors when looking for the best sit-stand desks: Are height-adjustable workstations appropriate for each individual? What is the finest height-adjustable standing desk? What is the range of prices? And can the return on investment in stand-up desks be guaranteed?

Another important consideration is the manner of implementing sit-stand desks in the workplace. If you have the right budget and provide every employee a height-adjustable desk, that's great, but that's not always the case. Integrating sit-stand workstations all throughout the workplace for utilization as needed is a realistic approach. Finally, several businesses have chosen to provide stand-up desks for employees who require them due to medical reasons.

There are a few things to think about while looking for the perfect standing desk for your employees:


With the standing desk, line your head, neck, torso, and legs straight. A footrest is helpful for redistributing your weight from one foot to the other. It's also a good idea to wear shoes that give adequate support.


A table should be deep enough for the display to be right in front of your vision and at least 20 inches (51 cm) away. It's important to keep the wrists straight and the hands somewhat below the elbows. To avoid wrist strain, the optimal desk must have a curved front.

Computer Monitor

Place the monitor in front of you. It should be within reaching distance. The screen's top is at a slight angle to the viewer's eyes. If you wear glasses, lower the monitor by 1 to 2 inches to improve visibility. Place the monitor where the brightest source of light will not cause the image to be distorted.

When using dual monitors, the monitor placement is determined by the amount of time spent on each display and the sort of work. If you're going to use both monitors at the same time, place them closer together, with their edges touching. Put one screen in front of you and the other monitor to the side of the table if one is utilized more than the other.

Controller and Keyboards

Place the keyboard and mouse on the very same table surface for convenient access. Keep your wrists straight, your upper arms close to your body, and your hands just below the level of your elbows when typing or moving your mouse. To save time using the mouse, use keyboard shortcuts. By sliding the mouse to the other side of the keyboard, you can switch your hands while using it.

Important items to consider

To avoid overstretching, keep important items close to you, such as your phone, stapler, and printed paperwork.


Instead of clutching the phone between your neck and head, put it on speaker function or use a headset.

Now that you've thought about the right workplace ergonomics for a stand-up workstation, such as desk height and computer location, Let's get started on making a more comfortable and economical standing workstation.

When it comes to purchasing a height-adjustable desk, there are ten factors to think about.

Spectrum of heights

A range of 22.6′′ to 48.7′′ is recommended by BIFMA. However, the height and needs of an individual using the desk will determine this. The best method to find a shared sit-stand desk with a multitude of height ranges is to look for one that can cater to everyone in the office.


A minimum depth of 30 inches should be established. However, other people like to scatter out their tasks. Keep in mind that there are numerous possibilities for the work surface space.

Loud sounds

Is the standing desk's mechanism too noisy or is it discreet? Too much commotion can interfere with other workers' ability to conduct their tasks and should be eliminated.

Movement is straightforward

Desks can be raised and lowered in a variety of ways. There are three types of elevators: hand cranks, electric motor-enabled lifts, and pneumatic lifts. The last two are the quietest, most efficient, and easiest to operate.


How quickly does it rise above any height you want and lower when needed? People will alter their work surfaces more frequently during the day if the speed does not get in the way of their workday.


When picking a height-adjustable desk, make sure it has reliable access to electricity and can work even without one.

Limb exhaustion

People who use sit-stand desks sometimes remark that standing makes their legs weak. Using comfortable shoes, installing a footstool to support one foot when standing, adding a cushion, and gradually increasing their upright tolerance by gradually increasing the amount of time they stand are all options.

Weight Limit

Each desk has a weight limit, so be sure the mass of the apparatus is within the desk's tolerated range.


Some desks are pre-programmed with various ergonomic settings, making it simple to maintain proper ergonomics at all times. Flexispot's Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk E2AL has these features.


The sit-stand desk should blend nicely with the rest of your office decor. Their use is further influenced by the presence of privacy screens, lighting, and tool rails.

Range of prices

Of course, the cost of standing desks is a significant consideration when selecting one. The best option is to use the following elements to balance functionality with your office setup.

Flexispot solutions provide a range of alternatives for today's modern office, balancing price and functionality. This is a wonderful time to think about getting a sit-stand desk for your office. There's a lot on the market at the moment now to select from, and if you use the correct criteria, you may make a terrific investment!

Regardless, bear in mind the advantages of employing an adjustable height desk for your employees, as well as how pleased they will be working for your organization.