Working In Senior Years

07 May 2021

I am a senior citizen and still working. This is not surprising, I think. Research I have read asserts that seniors who belong to the workforce older than 65 years old in the U.S. have grown by 117% in the last 20 years. This is based on the statistical report by NIOSH. So, I am one of them.

Reasons Why Older People Are Still Working

There are several reasons why older people still work despite age and weakness such as:

● For financial freedom –    although most people receive a monthly pension from the government, sometimes it is not enough to be financial secured and independent

● Boredom – many seniors feel bored sometimes especially when everybody in the the household has to go to work and left alone at home

● To Maintain mental health – we have to admit that older people mostly suffer forgetfulness especially when they indulge in a sedentary lifestyle. Being forgetful could a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease have based on medical research.


● To maintain physical fitness – even though you drive your car to work, you also practice brisk walking on your way to your workstation. Sometimes you need to go to the boss and you walk his office which is already a form of exercise

● to gain more friends – sometimes older people feel low and lonely without someone to talk to at home. Whereas in the office, you gain more friends to talk to. They also could give moral support in moments you needed them most

● To gain respect and be useful to society – when you’re old, you seem to think thatthe world looks down on you and young people seemto see old people as a burden to the society and therefore do not need to be respected

● To be updated with technology – old usually are no longer interested to learn about Technology and computer literacy. They shun learning about computers, devices, and even smartphones, 


Present-Day Situations of Older People


\With the foregoing reasons, older people still count as part of the workforce. Other older people have their reasons, but just the same some of them may be part of the ones listed above. If not, then we respect they're being discreet and personal reasons.

Old people are also the most prone to different diseases. It is obvious that this time we are still in a pandemic situation, seniors are usually banned from going outside the house and in stricter health protocol, are not being allowed to go inside the shopping mall unless the purpose is for essential needs such as going to the supermarket.

Aside from being quarantined or being confined to the house, they are most vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus disease because of the weaker body constitution and diseases that they have right now. As such, senior people are on the priority list for coronavirus vaccine around the world. Luckily, these days, older people, some of them, have managed to overcome the disease and regain from such sickness. However, some of them were unlucky.

What Employers Say About Senior Workers

Many companies allow senior citizens to stay at work for different reasons. Employers have positive impressions of most senior workers. They say that:

● Most old people are loyal to the company. they stay with the company with its ups and downs until the time to retire comes. They don’t go job-hopping.

● They are trustworthy- with long years of experience working, they know a lot more about the company and the higher-ups trust them 

● Usually focused on their work- senior employees just want to work with less fun; they are serious when about work

● They don’t always complain- most of them just want to work and be paid. They are usually satisfied with their present job unless of course, there are things to complain about regarding their job, salary, or Inconvenience related to work

However, because of aging, many old workers suffer diseases that affect their attendance at work. And this the unfavorable situation of old workers which are inevitable 

On the brighter side of senior life, there are things to make us physically fit for the workplace.

Physical activities, based on medical and other types of research show that old people can still live healthy by eating the right kinds of food. that is more fruits and vegetables, more balanced meals, and engaging in physical activities such as exercise.

For sedentary life in the office, working seniors can do some physical exercise at the office or home. Physical exercise should be done regularly which should be at least 3 to 5 times a week. Aside from the frequency of regular exercise, time spent must be at least 15 to 30 minutes a day.

Some of the exercises for seniors are:

● brisk walking is as good as jogging

● Aerobic exercise - 

● Dancing

● Yoga

● Pilates

● Dumbbell Strength training

When done regularly, we can still work for a longer period and enjoy the company of our co-employees and friends in the neighborhood who are proud of us being still breadwinner and at the same time earning high self-esteem and self-worth. We become more of an asset to society and not a burden to it.

Great Features of Adjustable Dumbbell LCL

For physical fitness, Flexispot has a wide range of ergonomic home office furniture and fitness equipment so we could maintain our physical fitness. One of the most popular products for a workout is the Adjustable Dumbbell LCL 

● It has a 5-in-1 adjustable system that allows you to change the level of your workout as you desire. That is, there are 5 sets of weights to choose from. 

● It is also safe to use, comfortable, ergonomic with a non-slip handle. 

● Safety is ensured with the built-in safety lock

● Durability is assured

● Weight plates are anti-rust with cast iron material coated with black paint finish preventing rust and corrosion

With this great dumbbell, older men and women can have good workouts at home or in the office because it is handy. It will promote physical fitness, maintaining your healthy lifestyle, your work, and your relationships.