7 Tips for Parents Balancing Work from Home & Parenting

23 April 2021

Juggling your job obligations with your family commitments has been a difficult task. Overworked parents find it difficult to adjust to the new standard, and they have yet to find the sweet spot. Working parents are being forced to telecommute around the country due to the spread of the coronavirus. 

As you try to keep up with your workload, you and your family will be trapped at home for a while, with little exposure to the outside world. But do not get too worked up just yet! We have compiled a list of suggestions for navigating life while working from home and raising a family. If you are having trouble staying productive when working from home, these tips can help.

1. You Should Create a Schedule You Can Follow

It is important to plan your day carefully, with designated "office" hours. How many hours do you want to work on that particular day? When will you call me back? What can you get done when your child is coloring in the adjacent room? You will accomplish better if you work smarter rather than harder. If you are going from working without children to working with a new group of coworkers/children, you will need to change your standards about how much you can accomplish in a day.

Allow yourself to experiment with your routine. On workdays, most parents have a set routine. We prefer to follow those trends, even though they do not all appear the same. Try to incorporate more flexibility into your schedule. However, not everyone has a full influence on their working hours. Examine your schedule and make the necessary adjustments.

However, flexibility is one of the best aspects of working from home, particularly if you are your boss. When your child has calmed down, you can get back to work. If you have an employer, make sure to commit to your schedule and take periods to take care of the things at home. Some employers can understand the need for non-traditional schedules given the reason for working at home.

2. Set Up a Designated Home Office Space Specifically for Your Needs

Some people like to have a dedicated desk space with two monitors and a printer and a cup full of pens at hand. Other people like to change it up, moving from the counter to the couch to a desk with only their laptop and coffee. Figure out what you need to do your best work and do what you can to make that happen.

If you need quiet for meetings but do not have an office space at home, you will need to cram a small desk or table into your bedroom. If you thrive on movement and interaction, the living room may be the place for you. Try to take advantage of what you already have. You can use a dining chair for a desk chair, move a lamp, clear off a counter. Piece together a workspace that works for you. If all else fails, try looking for ergonomic office equipment and machines from FlexiSpot.

3. You Should Separate Your Personal and Professional Roles

You will never feel like you are doing either well if you do not learn to keep your positions as a parent or family member and a career individual separate, giving each your full attention for a specified time. Set up an office space to physically isolate yourself from the rest of the building.

If you have a door to close, it also lets you disengage from your work. If you do not have access to an office, make a list of what you need to get done the next day, leave it in your workspace, and leave. This is a major motivator for being active while working and raising a family at home.

4. Keep Your Kids Entertained and Engage Them in Fun Activities

Now is the perfect time to spend some quality time with your kids. Spending some time at home brings you closer to your family. You can make some games or create rewards for chores performed. There are lots of ways to keep your children entertained while making memories to cherish together. 

Your youngsters would be less likely to disturb you if they have anything to look forward to. Set up an activity center in your home office so that the kids feel like they have their own space to work on projects as you catch up on e-mails.

5. Seek Extra Help If You Need It

You may think working at home means you can skip childcare, but you will have days when you need help—and that is okay. You can get additional support from other family members at home but if you are only a single unit, you can rely on your partner. For single parents, you can try and get creative in organizing the perfect routine for your work needs. However, there will always be unprecedented happenings. You may get interruptions from crying children or those that have separation anxiety. Explain your situation and seek understanding from your team or client. Just make sure that you deliver on your promise. 

Depending on your circumstances, you may find that you are suddenly faced with balancing work, parenting, and even schooling simultaneously during a day. You are great and you can handle it. In the beginning, it can be challenging but you will find a way to help yourself and your children.

6. Keep Your Sanity Intact

Once you get the chance, take some breaks. It is hard to manage a lot of things at once. You can get easily exhausted and fatigued. Being a parent and a professional is not an easy feat. 

Of course, breaks — like lunch — should be scheduled whenever possible. Breaks can help you be in tune with yourself for a moment.

7. Have Some Time for Yourself

Being human and all, you get easily tired and exhausted. it is normal to take a break. Being a parent might seem like an endless task with no appreciation. Despite that, you are still allowed to have some alone time to meditate and freshen up. You can be a better and level-headed parent if you have time to pause and reflect. You cannot handle and drive parenthood alone. It takes a village to raise someone. Seek help and do what you have to. 


You are attempting to work several full-time jobs at the same time. Trying to keep your job professional as your toddler cries or throws tantrums on a video call is not for the faint of heart. Patience and understanding are needed. But keep in mind all the wonderful things you have done as a human and a parent. You have made a lot of difficult circumstances work.

You have been through a lot as a parent. You will be able to get through this. Remember what a blessing it is to have a career, to be able to work from home, and to have a family to care for while juggling all of these responsibilities. A little insight can also help us handle things more effectively.