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Ergo Chairs that Waterfall Armrest Prevent the Tennis Elbow among the Blue Collar Workers

16 June 2021

The Tennis Elbow: An Ergonomic Problem

The tennis elbow is one of the ergonomic problems that is experienced not just by the white-collar workers but also the employees with blue-collar jobs. This is a condition wherein the outside part of the elbow is being overused and is causing much pain and soreness. This also affects the joints in the elbow. This may not be a cause of great worry but when this one affects a person, it could also affect the concentration of a worker and may cause many hassles. This might be the cause of great stress among workers especially the blue-collar workers because these people are the ones who use their dominant arms in the most strenuous activities. The possible effects of this condition are: 

  • physical stress that could affect the movement of the person
  • other kinds of body pain such as spine strain or frozen shoulders
  • mental stress caused by fatigue and exhaustion 

Given these effects, one should consider addressing this concern to the employees, ergonomists, and doctors so these people could take an action to mitigate risks and prevent further accidents in the workplace that may harm the employees and affect the productivity in the work area. In addition, employers and employees may find the best solution for this predicament through products that could offer the best ergonomics. These products are sought-after in the market and are made on a cutting-edge. These are all the ergo products of Flexispot-the home of the best standing desks, reliable office organizers best ergonomic chairs. At Flexispot, the blue-collar workers could be able to ease the pain of the tennis elbow and they could also be safe from other injuries such as spine strain. In the next part of the discussion, we will talk about why using the ergonomic chairs-the ones with the waterfall armrest in particular- could help the blue-collar workers ease this kind of pain.

The Flexispot's Amazing Ergonomic Solutions:

  • At Flexispot, one could not be wrong in choosing the ergonomic chairs that could provide the ergo solutions needed to alleviate pain such as the tennis elbow. Their ergo chairs are precisely created to let the blood circulation in great condition and continuously supply oxygen to the brain and makes it function well. 
  • At Flexispot, the ergo chairs are carefully installed with the materials that would help the person make his whole system- from the head to the legs- in proper alignment. 
  • The Height adjustability of the Flexispot ergo chairs is impressive and flexible enough to bear the weight of a person as heavy as 220lbs or more. 
  • With the weight capacity given above, one could ensure that the product is durable and sturdy enough to let a person on the cushion freely without losing balance at all. 
  • Flexispot ergo chairs have an impressive gas lifting system that helps it easier to be lifted without much stress and could support ergonomics which means that one would not have the body strain especially around the shoulder and dominant arm. 
  • The Flexispot ergo chairs have lumbar support that could help a person move freely on the cushion of the chair without straining his upper body that much. At times, when a person feels pain around the upper body there are possibilities that he incurs pain on his shoulder area and dominant arm too. 
  • Flexispot ergo chairs are made with high-grade steel that makes the base of the chairs sturdy. These steel legs could stand a long time without getting rusty compared to the ordinary swivel chairs that could sometimes cause injury around the spine and the shoulder area. Thus, it's safe for blue-collar workers to use this ergo chair. 
  • These ergo chairs from Flexispot have the rocking function that could help a person relax on the chair smoothly and without much hassle. Another wonderful thing about the Flexispot ergo chairs is they have parts- the armrest- in particular, that are considered waterfall-shaped because they are bent forward to complement the bending of the dominant arm too. 
  • With this kind of shape, the person can relax his arms especially after a long day of labor at the field or in the office. 

Now, as we go along with the next activity, we will be discussing the next part of the article that focuses on the particular ergo chairs from Flexispot that have the waterfall type of armrest. These ergo chairs are sought-after in the market and are well-trusted by most users. So, let us talk about these amazing ergo chairs. 

The Ergo Chairs from Flexispot:

Ergonomic Office Chair 9051

  • This ergo chair from Flexispot would not break the bank. With a flexible payment term that you could pay through a card, you may only spend $20 per month. This could make one experience an incredible ergonomic solution without spending much of his monthly budget. 
  • This ergo chair has a rocking adjustor that makes it possible for one to feel relaxed while rocking on this chair. 
  • It also has a double padded seat cushion that makes it more relaxing to sit on it. It could also support the lumbar of the person using this chair.
  • Aside from the curved armrest, this chair has a lot of good qualities that could make a person feel relaxed while sitting on it. 

Adjustable Ergonomic Leather Office Chair OC8N/OC8B

  • The next ergo chair from Flexispot comes in 2 different models; the OC8N and OC8B. Both have sturdy parts that make it possible for people to rock back and forth with ease on this chair. 
  • This chair could bear a weight of up to 330lbs. Hence, anyone could sit here without the fear of stumbling down or losing balance.
  • It has a wide back dimension that could ensure the person's safety around the lumbar area especially when he leans his back on it. 

High Back Office Chair 2191E

  • This is the ergo chair that has smooth-rolling casters. It could ensure the safety of the person sitting on it too because of the study materials that this product has. 
  • It has also a double padded cushion and that makes it convenient to sit on this ergo chair. 
  • It also has an adjustable built-in lumbar support. 

Ergonomic Office Chair 9125

  • If one blue-collar worker is looking for the one with the retractable footrest then this chair is the right ergo product for him. 
  • This ergo chair is also height-adjustable and through the incredible lifting system, one could easily adjust the chair to his desired height. 

Final Thoughts:

So, now that we have discussed the most efficient ergo chairs with the curved armrest, one could decide on the particular product to buy from Flexispot. With these, it could ensure that the blue-collar worker could enjoy a safer and more conducive workplace or a piece of equipment that could promote a good ergonomic product.