11 Crafting Ideas To Try During 2021 Pandemic

03 August 2021

Scrapbooking was once the most coveted hobby that someone could reasonably afford and master. We may now comfortably undertake and perfect a wide range of creative skills, many of which have been practiced for decades, thanks to technology. A decent craft project is the best boredom buster there is. There's nothing like producing something with your own hands – especially from the comfort of your own home.

From knitting and crocheting to paper and clay crafts to soap and candle making, the possibilities for craft hobby projects are limitless. Choose something that includes designing if you are talented at painting and sketching, such as crafting cards or charcoal drawings. If you enjoy working in three dimensions and molding things with your hands, then try your hand at soap, candle, and clay activities. Lastly, if you are calm and find repetition relaxing and comforting, embroidery or crochet is ideal. Some tasks may take several hours, while others may take weeks, but you can complete them for cheap if you use your imagination.

Crafting With Standing Desks

Why a standing desk, you might ask? Indeed, many crafting activities require you to chill and sit back, but that's the exact point. While relaxing to just lounge in your recliner, do your needlework, and let your thoughts fly; all that sitting is a no, just like with office work. It has been a buzz for years now how excessive sitting is dangerous to our health. While that speaks primarily to office employees, why not combat the risk of developing chronic health issues such as cardiovascular diseases and type-2 diabetes even in your leisure time?

These days, most of us choose to stay home to dodge COVID-19, and that means a lot of time confined within the corners of our home. For some, it could get dull, boring, or even depressing. It does not mean that you have to be standing the whole time either, as experts strongly advise a variety of movements for anything you spend a considerable amount of time working on makes standing and sitting much more beneficial. Consider using a standing desk as your workstation for your crafts, especially those that require spreading out of materials, just like cutting, painting, drawing, sculpting clay, or others that are safe enough for such tabletops.

Tip: For activities that may stain your standing desk tabletop, spread out a plastic sheet on top to protect your desk. Keep in mind that you may use standing desks for many other activities at home, so why not make the extra effort of caring and maintaining it for the various purposes you can use it for and for the years to come. It's only wisest to do so for this incredible investment!

Check out our recommendations:

Crafting Ideas


Beadwork necessitates good fine motor skills as well as excellent eyesight (or glasses). Working with beads may be as frustrating as getting a knot out from a chain. But, if you get into the flow of things, this craft can be rewarding.

Coloring Cards

Coloring is something that everyone enjoys. You can get free, printable coloring card templates online and maybe have a virtual craft party night. Send them as interactive gifts to family and friends but trust us, you would also want some for yourself.

Crochet and Knitting

Fortunately, the internet has so many courses and videos for novices that we can all find the appropriate teacher. There are also dozens of downloadable patterns available for everything from basic and intricate clothing and jewelry designs. If you want to produce extensive work, the yarn may become pricey due to the amount required, but the supplies will be inexpensive for modest projects. There are sources where you may buy yarn wholesale for a meager price, like eBay. Aside from the yarn, all you'll need are needles or crochet hooks and a lot of time. This art requires patience, but it is incredibly gratifying and relaxing.


Pottery is a multifaceted craft. The majority of procedures include the use of your hands, which may be incredibly calming. Try this craft if you want to unwind while still producing a utilitarian masterpiece. Begin by enrolling in a beginner's class to determine if you enjoy the craft. Another low-cost alternative is to get some clay that you can bake in your oven and start shaping with. Another option is to use air-dry clay, which is an inexpensive material to work with for quick at-home crafts.


When you get weary of embroidered tasks or just need a break, you can put your new abilities to use by sewing. There is an infinite number of things you could sew. Look through your closet for old garments; you might find some fantastic textiles to repurpose. Garage sales and stores that sell clothes by weight are also worth a look. If you choose brand-new cloth, look for them online or in fabric stores. Most stores offer their scraps or remnants at rock-bottom prices.

Painting By Numbers

Because there are so many sets available, it is simple to find a good deal or anything on sale. Take a peek around and experiment with different materials. Some packages contain acrylic or watercolor paints, while others include drawing pastels. Sets frequently provide information regarding the difficulty level; you may wish to begin slowly at the beginning.

Jewelry Making

This is a popular craft that is simple to learn by visiting the local craft store. Fortunately, beginner's jewelry lessons are simple enough to follow from a blog post. Find one that interests you, get the necessary resources, and give it a shot. But you'll need a pair of pliers, which shouldn't be too expensive.


If you've ever wondered what to do with those colorful paper tissues that have been sitting in packages, the decoupage technique may be the answer. Sections of those tissues can be taken out and used to cover jewelry or trinket boxes, resulting in one-of-a-kind compositions. Aside from the tissues or magazine paper cutouts, all you need is a frame or box to cover, some proper glue, and varnish or other sealers. You can also paint over the top if you think it will improve the overall effect.


If you enjoy extensive work with plenty of time and patience, needlework projects are for you. Purchasing an embroidery set or cross-stitch is the simplest and most cost-effective method to get started. Pick something small as your first piece to ensure that you will complete it in a decent length of time, so choose carefully. You can develop your own designs once you've mastered using a needle and working with patterns. Patterns can be found easily online or in print magazines. 

Soap and Candle Making

Not only will this activity provide you with a boatload of aromatherapy advantages, but coming up with fresh combinations and recipes for soaps and candles will help you exercise your creative skills. It's also an excellent hobby to pursue if you enjoy giving small trinkets to your friends and family or if you want to establish your own business someday.


Thrown-away newspapers and pamphlets can all be utilized as a foundation for your papier-mâché pulp. Aside from that, all you'll need is some adhesive, some paint, and a lot of extra time and imagination. Look for free information online on how to create the pulp and inspiration on how to sculpt various objects.

Now, more than ever would be an excellent time to start learning something new to squeeze in a little bit of productivity to your home quarantine time. Some of these have turned out to be small businesses on the side because, why not? A little income on the side, especially enjoying what you do, is never too bad.