Debunking 5 Myths About Electric Standing Desks Under $400

16 July 2020

When it comes to finding the perfect ergonomic products, it can often feel like some products are way too good to be true. With the majority of electric standing desks with price tags ranging from $800 to $1,000- it’s hard to imagine that an electric standing desk that costs less than $400 can deliver the same quality and efficiency. Some have even gone as far as to write on why a standing desk of that value should be avoided. Today, we’ll be looking to debunk these claims. Not all standing desks are created equal which is why for the purposes of this article we’ll be looking at the BIFMA Certified desk of FlexiSpot, the Dual-Motor Electric Standing Desk EC4. Clocking in at the surprisingly low price of only $399.99- this standing desk is a powerhouse that proves to blow its critics out of the water. Complete with a smart design and amazing features, we  debunk 5 common myths about electric standing desks under $400.

Myth #1: Cheaper standing desks are unstable at standing height

When it comes to cheaper products, we’re always hesitant to purchase those of less value because we’ve got the mindset that a cheaper product means less quality. With FlexiSpot, they ensure the durability and stability of their standing desks not just with words but with a BIFMA Certification (a certification that requires testing from the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association). You can even get a glimpse of the rigorous tests these desks undergo in this  stability test. In the video, you can clearly see how they test for stability by placing weights on the desk (at maximum capacity) and have it move up and down while shaking it vigorously. From this video alone, it’s obvious that this myth is untrue. Not only does the desk stay stable, it’s obvious that it can handle a large amount of stress, even when it’s at its highest setting. The smart design was made to ensure that your focus and productivity are the priority with this desk.  

Myth #2: Inexpensive standing desks have poor columns, low quality electronics & cheap glide systems

As mentioned earlier in this article, we’ll be taking a look at FlexiSpot’s Dual-Motor Electric Standing Desk EC4 to debunk these claims. The columns on this desk are far from poor. This desk is equipped with electrostatic powder-coated steel tubing, often used in construction-grade columns.  These columns not only stand the test of time but are also resistant to stains and scratches. The dual motor electronics and actuator of this desk is tested, certified and supplied by an industry leader in high speed linear actuator technology. This proves that the electronics on this desk are not only made with high quality but are also the latest and best in ergonomics. Lastly, as seen in the  stability test, you can see how the upper cross support system and glide system work hand in hand to ensure that switching positions is done with complete support and stability.

Myth #3: Desks under $400 have short warranty periods

FlexiSpot has been offering 5 year warranties to all their height-adjustable desks since 2016. This proves not only their dedication to high quality products but also their dedication to their customers. FlexiSpot even offers a complete replacement of your product, should you (on a highly unlikely chance) get a defective item. Unlike other companies that have hidden charges, customers will NOT have to cover shipping costs to have their items replaced. This is a true testament to customer care and service.

Myth #4: Cheaper standing desks have a small lifting capacity

FlexiSpot’s Dual-Motor Electric Standing Desk EC4  has a maximum lifting capacity of approximately 275lbs- that’s more than two times the average weight of an adult man! If that hasn’t convinced you, this durability test shows how they tested the desk for 141 days, having it move up and down constantly at full capacity. With this test, scientists were able to conclude that if you cycle your desk 4 cycles between sitting and standing daily, this desk would last you about 13.98 years! Not only does this show that this electric standing desk has a high lifting capacity, it also shows how durable the FlexiSpot desk truly is!

Myth #5: Desks under $400 lack quality control

FlexiSpot is a brand that is certified by BIFMAthe Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association. This certification required third party firms to test the various products of FlexiSpot to ensure that they are of commercial-grade quality. This not only ensures that the products are good but that FlexiSpot provides high quality products to their customers. Apart from this, you can clearly see the importance of quality control in FlexiSpot’s  durability test and stability test.

Value For Money

With these 5 myths debunked and proven to be false, we hope we’ve convinced you on the importance of looking into the ergonomic products that are true pioneers in value for money in ergonomics. It isn’t just about getting the cheapest product in the market or listening to the latest trends. It’s about understanding the importance of quality and value for money. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to enjoy the benefits of ergonomics! For more information on ergonomics and other lifestyle topics, check out the FlexiWellness Center for more tips and tricks that you can apply in your daily life.

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