How Does Poor Posture Affect Your Productivity?

23 April 2021

You have probably encountered one of the side effects of getting a sedentary job if you have ever struggled after a long day of sitting at your desk and feeling so stiff you could not move. It is hard enough to be stuck in one spot for too much of the day, but it is even worse if you do not maintain proper posture.

Letting your body stay in an incorrect position for quite some time can cause you so much pain that it is difficult to focus. If you do not try to change, your health can deteriorate to the point that keeping a normal work schedule becomes impossible.

We all tend to slouch in one way or another. You might lean forward, hunched over your keyboard, or you might rest your head on one of your hands while reading what is onscreen. Back pain from a strained neck, as well as general muscle fatigue, may result from poor posture.

In this post, we will talk about how incorrect posture can affect your performance. Also, let us take a look at why your work output and productivity goes down because of bad posture.

Overlooked Factors that Workers Fail to Notice and Correct

Busy professionals get too immersed with tasks assigned to them. Often than not, workers like you cause more harm than good to their bodies. This in turn affects proper posture, which can take a toll on your overall performance as an employee. Listed below are some factors that affect your posture. 

You Do Not Take Enough Breaks

It is easy to forget to take breaks when you are too preoccupied with work commitments. Individuals usually stay seated at their desks, eating packed lunches while simultaneously reading emails or performing other work-related tasks, even when they do take breaks. This tendency leads to poor posture by forcing people to stay in the same harmful positions for the majority of the workday. When you have the opportunity, take a stroll.

You Develop Bad Posture Habits

You may be hunching your neck, folding your legs, and leaning with your shoulders curved forward to feel more at ease when having things done. Early on, you should take preventive measures like staying active and strengthening your muscles, particularly your core muscles that will help stabilize your spine. You can also visit chiropractors to align your spine. It is easy to get used to a position while working. 

As long as you address posture issues right away, you can help resolve the issue and protect your spine. People can be unable to admit to themselves or others that they are in pain because of this faulty perception. They are also unlikely to know that correcting the problem might be as simple as sitting up straighter. Acknowledge your discomfort and try to look for ways to help improve your posture. 

Your Workstation is not Tailored for Your Comfort

You may have given much thought to how your desk is set up, but when was the last time you adjusted the height of your chair? Another explanation for people who work at a desk have bad posture is that they do not realize the connection between how they sit and the potential for painful side effects. Perhaps you have already taken the first step by purchasing an ergonomic chair from FlexiSpot. That is a smart step, but you must also carefully set it up.

Start by sitting down and moving your hips as far back as possible in the chair. Adjust the seat height so that your knees are at or just below the same angle as your hips and your feet are flat on the floor. The chair's back should be set at a 100–110-degree angle. Adjust the armrests to hold the arms in a natural place or remove them if they aggravate the situation.

We have just scratched the surface on why your current work mentality and habits could be leading to poor posture. Let us look at some of the consequences of not straightening up, how those consequences can make you less productive, and how to avoid the issue. The following are some of the potential consequences and results of bad posture.

1. Having poor posture can affect your mobility and flexibility.

2. Poor posture takes a toll on your body's performance.

3. Depression is exacerbated by poor posture.

4. Heartburn and headaches can be caused by poor posture.

5. Back pain can be intensified by bad posture.

6. Regular slouching can affect breathing.

7. Poor posture affects confidence.

8.  Your productivity caught the impact of having poor posture.

9.  When using a computer, poor posture tends to reduce eyesight.

10. You might take more sick days if your body is not aligned properly.

Some Tips to Lessen Placing Impact on Your Posture

  • Experts advise that you sit in a chair for half an hour without leaning against the back of it. This forces you to maintain good posture, but if you cannot maintain it for the whole time, you might have a postural issue that necessitates a visit to a spine specialist.

  • Keep your smartphone or tablet at eye level to avoid hunching over it when using it. Massage your neck's sides and the region between your shoulder blades as well. This improves muscle elasticity and can lessen the negative effects of a hunched posture.

  • Since most people tend to look at computers when looking down, you will need to change the height of your chair slightly. You may improve posture and reduce or remove the symptoms of computer vision syndrome by adjusting the viewing angle. You can refer to FlexiSpot's website and check out the wide range of ergonomic office equipment. FlexiSpot's MonitorStand Workstation S5/S6 can help. 

  • Using a standing desk like the Adjustable Standing Desk Pro Series of FlexiSpot will help you change your posture and get more physical activity throughout the day. You can use your desk while sitting or standing if it has a height adjustment. During the workday, switching from standing to sitting will help you maintain proper posture, which can help relieve back pain.  

  • Consider investing in an anti-fatigue pad like FlexiSpot’s Standing Desk Anti-Fatigue Mat MT1. Standing on an elastomeric surface will help minimize pain or soreness in your feet, thighs, knees, and hips if you spend a lot of time standing. Anti-fatigue mats are made of rubber, gel, vinyl, foam, or other pliable materials and are smoother than wood, tile, or concrete flooring. 


Bad posture can lead to a variety of health and body issues. As a result, it is easy to see how any of those factors could cause you to miss more time at work due to sickness, injury, or even doctor appointments—all of which will result in lower productivity.

There are a plethora of productivity-boosting techniques, blogs, and applications available. Regrettably, many of them overlook – or simply neglect – the significance of posture. However, armed with the above information, you can now make meaningful changes to your posture and, hopefully, increase your efficiency!