The Next Decade for Ergo Pieces with Renewable Materials

21 October 2021

Experts say that the earth's atmosphere is bound to get warmer by around 1.5 degrees in the next 20 years. This amount is enough to bring rapid climate change that can cause life-threatening storms and floods in different areas. Indeed, these changes are due to the negligence of people in the past. The continuous usage of plastic before and other toxic chemicals created greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Deforestation is another environmental issue that impacts the environment as well. The loss of many trees paved the way for landslides and erosion to take place, killing lives and destroying livelihoods in low-lying areas. 

Indeed, the proof and records of the effects of global warming on people persuaded the governments, non-profit organizations, and international companies to create environmental policies that will protect the environment and people from destruction. Multinational companies and non-profit organizations help mitigate the environmental problems by going the extra mile in finding solutions, just like what FlexiSpot and OneTreePlanted do to protect the forest and promote reforestation. 

The Environmental Alliance:

FlexiSpot innovates the best ergonomic products such as the Kana Bamboo Standing Desk, Kana Pro Bamboo Standing Desks, and L-Shaped Standing Desk E4L. It is the sought-after ergonomic company in the market because it could deliver the best ergonomic solutions that most WFH and hybrid office workers need, especially these days that Covid19 has strains that continuously mutate, such as the Lambda and Delta. 

Their dedication to delivering excellent ergonomic solutions goes beyond the sales of their products. Instead, they practice their social responsibility and obedience to environmental policies. These policies govern regulations that manufacturers oblige in creating their products. With these regulations, they would develop company policies that will be the standard that their employees will follow. These policies will ensure that we prioritize the enforcement of all the environmental laws and regulations. Moreover, these things will ensure that renewable resources don't get wasted. There will be lesser industrial wastes during the manufacturing process. 

Just like FlexiSpot, OneTreePlanted also aims to achieve its goals in protecting the environment. Hence, they advocate saving the forests and planting more trees. This non-profit organization collaborates with specialists, local communities, and global companies with the same vision of ensuring that forests will thrive with trees where ecosystems will give life to millions of organisms and species. 

AlcoveRiser Bamboo Standing Desk

In that case, FlexiSpot and OneTreePlanted launched the ergonomics company that planted 500 trees in British Columbia last August 2021. Indeed, as part of the continuous effort to carry out their sustainable development goals, FlexiSpot has started a program in the company wherein buyers like you can buy the best sit-stand desks and stand-up deskssuch as the AlcoveRiser Bamboo Standing Desk. The purchase can allow the company to plant a tree, and in return, you will receive a certificate that certifies that you participated in this beautiful event. 

When you take part in this endeavor, you won't just own a piece of ergonomic desk that will mitigate the biomechanical pain. You can also hold a product that will protect you against the threat of musculoskeletal disorders such as spine-related injuries or nerve injuries that have long-term effects or bring impairment. You can also help FlexiSpot and OneTreePlanted with their advocacy. Indeed, you can also be one of the environmental advocates that will get back the trees in the forest and make it possible for more species and organisms to survive. With a single purchase, you can make a difference and leave a legacy, even your little ways. 

Now, there are other beautiful reasons for buying bamboo products from FlexiSpot. Indeed, when you purchase the standing desks or desk converters from FlexiSpot that are truly environment-friendly because of the sustainable materials like bamboo, you help yourself have a furniture piece that will stand for a decade.

Renewable Materials Last Longer

Renewable Materials Last Longer:

Renewable materials like bamboo can stand for a decade. They are solid and stable so that they do not get broken from wear and tear. It's more substantial than mild steel and superior to hardwood. It's because bamboo has strong fibers; hence builders prefer using bamboo as a material for their construction because it is sturdy, does not cost much, and is affordable yet highly durable. 

In addition, bamboo is very fire-resistant; hence you can ensure that when you have the bamboo product in your place, you would not worry about it getting consumed by the flame if unfortunate events like fire would happen. This sustainable material has the shock absorption capacity that makes it withstand earthquakes as well. 

Moreover, this material can withstand hurricanes that have a speed of 170mph. So, you can ensure that the product with these sources would not get damaged easily because of the renewable material used to create it.

Another bamboo is a sustainable material that can give out oxygen by 35% so imagine if you're going to have the sturdy bamboo desk from FlexiSpot for more than five years, it will be a very effective air purifier. So, while you work at home, you can ensure that you will inhale clean air and get protection against the pollutants that cause dreadful diseases. With products such as the bamboo ergo pieces from FlexiSpot, you can ensure that you will be in a healthy state for a decade or as long as you use this sturdy product.

So, with all these good features of the bamboo materials, you can ensure that these renewable sources can withstand a decade and all the factors that can destroy the ergonomic product. Hence, buying these pieces would be worth it and would not be a waste of money. 

Final Thoughts:

When you purchase pieces of ergonomic furniture from FlexiSpot that are from sustainable materials, you don't just make a good purchase but a wise investment because you can ensure that you will be able to utilize these products. Indeed, these pieces can help you save more money in the future. Most of all, when you purchase this bamboo product from FlexiSpot, you can ensure that you would be able to help bring back life in the forest by planting more trees.