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The Versatile and Chic Standing Desk

28 May 2021

The pandemic has wreaked havoc on millions of lives all over the world. Even today we can still feel the impact of this pandemic in countries where there are still cases of thousands of deaths every day. Not only that but there were also millions of jobless around the world because many business establishments closed shop during the height of the pandemic to avoid the spread of the virus. And businesses especially those that catered to food such as restaurants were forced to close down their businesses due to loss of profit and employees.

Look on the bright side...

On a positive note, this pandemic has brought families closer together at home. Bonding moments became a common ground for family members to interact with one another, play together, and to have fun. Everyone had their share of laughter so there was no reason to get bored. Some workers were also able to land a job as the economy is already picking up after a year with the pandemic. Employers are now asking their employees to report for work at the site. While others remain at home as freelancers or work from home employees.

In my case, I remained working at home and I was glad to be a teleworker and not a commuter. I think it is more beneficial to work at home economic-wise. And every day I get to see my daughter who happens to be a work-from-home employee.

Regarding my next-door neighbor, she has two children and she's a full-time mom who wants to take care of her children and to do some business at home. She is fond of baking bakes and bread every weekend. I could say that she’s a good baker. I like the taste of her birthday cakes and especially her sourdough bread. Many claims that sourdough bread is the healthiest kind of bread that we can buy. That is why I make sure that before the weekend comes, I pre-order two sourdough loaf of bread from her. 

I like the taste of sourdough bread because it is not too sweet and it is filling and of course it is healthy. By the way, sourdough is slow-fermented bread that does not require commercial yeast to rise. It is made with live fermented culture, a sourdough starter that is acting as a natural leavening agent. You will know that you are eating sourdough bread when it has a tangy taste, chewy and crisp with a crackly crust.

Some of the health benefits of eating sourdough bread are:

● The prebiotic-like properties help to enhance the health of gut

● It promotes good digestion

● It boosts healthy aging 

● It helps in maintaining a good sugar level

In other words, sourdough bread is the best kind of bread you can buy if you go for healthy food or bread. Knowing these, I make sure that I have one in the fridge for my snacks with coffee.

My neighbor, Harriet, makes good sourdough bread. I think it is the best not only in the neighborhood but in the entire town as well. She is inspired by the fact that there are many orders for the cakes and her sourdough bread. Her husband who became jobless because of the pandemic is helping her with her baking in the kitchen.

Many people in the neighborhood usually converge in front of her house to get their orders. I advised her to have two or three tables in the front yard as the distribution area so that her house won’t be crowded with her customers. 

Enter the Kana Bamboo Standing Desk

The good thing was that she recently bought a standing desk made of bamboo from FlexiSpot.  Her table is so nice because the desktop is made of bamboo which is quite unique. This table she said was a gift from her sister on her birthday. It is a  Kana Bamboo Standing Desk that is versatile and durable. It can serve several purposes such as a study desk, coffee table, work table, etc. She thought of using the desk because its height could be adjusted for different postures such as sitting or standing. 

Her husband can easily adjust the height with a single tap of a button. It is a fantastic product, really. And I was also told that the tabletop is water-resistant, coated with 2H lacquer, making it moisture-proof, insect-resistant, and scratch-proof. She is really happy and satisfied with this wonderful bamboo standing desk.

On top of these, Harriet told me that the standing desk has keypads, which are the basic and advanced all-in-one keypads. The advanced keypad has three programmable presets. That is you can save your favorite sitting or standing posture height. 

I was also told that the desk user can see the exact desk height on the energy-efficient LED display, which automatically enters sleep mode to reduce power usage when the desk is stationary. Another great thing about this desk is that the advanced keypad has three programmable presets. That is, the user can save your favorite sitting or standing posture height.

Need I say more? It is really mind-blowing. The bamboo desk looks ordinary but on the contrary, it is extraordinary. The husband and wife team is really lucky to have this bamboo standing desk that is very functional and multipurpose. 

So, they prepared all the ordered cakes and sourdough breads and arranged them on the bamboo standing desk. It was nice to see them so busy attending to our neighbors for their order of cakes and breads. After the customers were gone, they used the table to make an inventory of the products they were sold for the day. I think they made good money for the weekend. Harriet’s husband worked efficiently on the table as he changed the orientation from standing to sitting on the desk to work on the sale for the day.

I am happy for my neighbor, Harriet and I wish that I could also have this versatile bamboo standing desk for my own. If you wish, you could also visit the website for more details now.