Why the Ergonomic Kids Table is Essential for Clay Modeling Activities

28 May 2021

Clay modeling is something most children as young as two do. This is the first step in developing their muscle control and hand bones/ At this particular age (2 years old), your child begins to mold shapes by squishing, rolling, cutting, and shaping the dough. In the first article about the child's pencil grip, we have discussed that at this age, the child does the digital pronate grasp where there is still the movement of the whole arm. During this stage, the child begins to be curious about specific shapes and carefully figure them out. It's  a time when your child learns by trial and error. In this article, we will discuss the:

● benefits of clay modeling to young children's minds

● ways clay modeling could develop the child's hands

● reasons the ergonomic kid's table is suitable for clay modeling activities

When children start to get curious, they also begin to understand patterns. They try to mimic others, especially their parents, and they get giggly with other children. In this stage, they explore and try to understand how things work. It turns out that their milestone begins, and they try to do it on their own. One of these things is clay modeling, where they mold the clay dough and mold them according to the shaper they have. If there's no clay dough, they try to hold some shapes that are also good for them (parents need to be careful of the choking hazards). In the first part of the article, let us know the: 

I.The Benefits of Clay Modeling to Young Children's Minds:

When you try observing a toddler who tries to create a spectacular figure using clay dough, you will notice how they carefully hold the clay dough and mold it with precision (in their ways). Now, what does this activity bring them? How does clay modeling benefit them? Let's take a look at the examples below: 

● Clay modeling sparks their imagination:

As mentioned above, this activity cajoles their imagination. They start to wonder how the leaves sway to the breeze, how dinosaurs looked like fossils now, and how the dog's snout shape. With clay modeling, they can understand patterns that could develop their eye-hand coordination. 

● The Development of their Eye-Hand Coordination:

Observe the cute toddler who tries to make a mushroom out of the clay dough or a figure that, for adults, looks like an abstract figure. They carefully mold them. Through this, they can develop their hand and eye coordination unless they could be diagnosed with late development. The hand-eye coordination skill will be a challenge because of the delays with the product. Nonetheless, letting your kiddo do this on his own, under your keen supervision, would help him move his hands with the guide of the eyes accordingly. 

● Clay Modeling helps them do the Trial and Error:

Congratulations, Mom and Dad. Your child has entered a phase where they learn to understand the concept of trial and error. This is when they would try doing things on their own without the fear of getting snarled at or scolded. In a research study written for the University of California, it was stated that in every mistake, there is subsequent learning. This is true for every child. Letting them make mistakes without letting them feel that it's a sin to make a mistake (this happens in a home with a rigid upbringing) would help them learn independently. This may help them become more independent. 

This does not imply that making habitual mistakes without understanding the consequences is okay. We want to insinuate that making your child explore and do things on his own would make him learn in the process, which would have positive effects on him. 

● With a Wide Imagination Comes Creativity:

Clay modeling helps the child become creative. As they see patterns, colors, shapes, and figures, they become curious, try these things own, and they let the inner genius create a magnificent creation. Hence, the clay figures. 

● Clay Modeling Enhances their Fine Motor Skills:

At this stage, where their hands are not fully developed, letting them mold clay figures could help them exercise and stretch those bones in the hands. This may enhance the grip. The more they try squishing, rolling, and squeezing, the more their hand bones develop.

● Clay Modeling Paves the Way to the Play-Based Learning:

Clay modeling falls under activity-based learning, where the movement of particular body parts is used in games as a form of acquiring knowledge. As they venture on this, we are preparing the little geniuses for their future academic skill that is more enhanced and excellent. Through this activity, a child improves their problem-solving skill and creativity.

II. The Role of an Ergonomic Kids Table: 

Looking at these tremendous benefits of clay modeling, it will be very effective to let our children venture into this. However, there are things that we need to consider too. One of those things is how we could help our children do clay modeling while we help them have a proper body posture. They are young, and their bodies are fragile; hence, it is advisable to try products made with the ergonomic system to offer the child proper lumbar support. Another, clay modeling requires a spacious surface, but we also need to make sure that it would support the child's height. Hence, we have the Ergonomic Kids Desk that grows with your child because it is adjustable. This is also safe to use because it is built with round edges, so you don't need to worry that the child might get hurt should he hit the table's edges. This product is waterproof; hence you don't have to worry that any particles from the clay dough would be left on its surface. Flexispot could ensure a very safe, enjoyable, and worthwhile activity for your little genius with these.