7 Ways to Stay Healthy as a Freelancer

11 October 2021

Working from home is among the most popular careers these days, but it is easy to lose enthusiasm, resulting in an ineffective and harmful lifestyle. Working at your own leisure might be highly appealing when you have access to a television and a refrigerator with endless munchies and breaks. Freelancing has been steadily increasing, and it's easy to see why. Many people see freelancing as a side job or a potential full-time career since it allows them to determine their own schedule and regain control of their time.

The surge in independent work has intensified in the past year, as the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the world's most significant venture in distant employment. Whether you're a first-time freelancer or a longtime pro, new problems have surfaced as people manage their families and career during these unpredictable times. It isn't easy to maintain one's health as a freelancer. Individual flexibility and creative freedom are two of the most highly recognized benefits of this way of life. However, there can be severe consequences for these individuals that aren't generally discussed.

How will you stay focused and healthy when working from home? Always keep your why's in mind as your primary motivation. Second, you must have effective methods in place to set yourself up for success.

Have A Work Schedule

Have a Work Schedule

It is all too easy to work 12-hour shifts while juggling multiple clients' tasks as a freelancer. This can be stressful on your psychological health and raise your level of stress. Creating a clear working time and hours is the most straightforward approach to retain your sanity while tasks pile up on your desk. Staying busy when you don't have a planned day is nearly impossible, and you may even forget to carry out a task if it isn't written down on your schedule. Having a schedule can lower your chances of burnout and help you become considerably more efficient.

Seiffen Standing Desk

Do Not Forget to Stand

It's no surprise that sitting all day is bad for you. Your legs require stretching to stay healthy, and sitting for more than eight hours is not an excellent way to treat your body. Stand for 30 minutes every hour, and remember that you should be standing for the same amount of time that you are sitting. In past years, standing desks have become a useful solution for employees, and many people have invested in motorized ones that can transition between standing and sitting. As remote work grows more common due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it will become vital to invest in a means to stand while working. Nothing makes a job worse than a strained neck and back from too much sitting.

This standing desk is not only cost-effective because it combines modern functionality with a low price, but it has also been demonstrated for its quality and quantity of efficiency. It comes in three variants:

Grab yours now!

Focus On Your Mission

Focus On Your Mission

It can be pretty difficult to remain motivated to continue making progress and pushing for advancement as a freelancer. Reconsider why you began freelancing in the first place. You may not know to go on, but you would not want to remain where you are. Decide not to compare yourself to others because being kind to yourself is important for staying healthy. Comparison robs us of our joy. Nobody else can tell you what your healthy attitude journey must feel and look like. Getting advice from your friends might be beneficial, but this is your life.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

It's easy to forget to drink water while you're working independently. And failing to stay hydrated can result in a slew of physical and mental health issues, including:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Confusion

In severe circumstances, dehydration can cause heatstroke as well as urinary and renal difficulties. Drinking enough water each day is one of the simplest ways to keep healthy as a freelancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, men should drink 15.5 cups of fluids per day, while women should drink 11.5 cups. Remember that this is fluids, not just water—but some fluids, such as coffee and soda, are diuretics, which cause your body to expel fluids, causing you to become dehydrated. When it comes to hydration, water is always the best option. Getting a water bottle large enough to accommodate a full day's worth of water and sipping it during the day is a simple trick. These bottles frequently include lines on the side that indicate how much water is remaining. Scheduling reminders during the day and drinking a glass of water before each meal are two other options.

Commit To Boundaries

Commit to Boundaries

The joy of freelancing is that you have complete control over your clientele. You can discover which methods work best for you and say "no" to those that do not fit your purpose. So, how do you go about doing that? By establishing limits. Steel wall borders that are rock-solid. Get used to sticking to your principles; limit client contact to business hours and days. We need to set aside some time for ourselves, our families, or whatever that we'll have to do. Stop stressing about work or even thinking about it. This is the most difficult to do because we cannot command our minds. However, via meditation, we could learn to step away and power down.



Exercising during the day is an often-overlooked recommendation for maintaining health as a freelancer. Even if you get up to move around every 30 minutes, it is easy to become exhausted after gazing at a computer for hours. Taking the opportunity to break away and get a little exercise in is one of the quickest ways to revitalize yourself and get your blood flowing back up to your brain. Furthermore, exercising during the day will prevent you from using the excuse that you are too exhausted after work to work out in the evening. Maintain your health and wellness by engaging in at least 20 minutes of cardio a day.

You may also multitask working and working out by using an under-desk bike to do moderate cycling while completing tasks. This can keep you alert and productive since your muscles are engaged while cycling. FlexiSpot has three different stationary bikes that you can choose from:

Home office All-in-One Desk Bike Workstation V9

  • It helps your body stay productive
  • Stay active even during otherwise sedentary activities

Under Desk Bike V9U

  • Best mate for standing desks
  • It helps your body stay productive
  • Balance your work and workout

Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair

  • Breathable mesh backrest
  • Supportive seat cushion
  • Height-adjustable seat

All three are also best paired with height-adjustable standing desksCheck them all out via FlexiSpot's website by clicking here!

Enjoy A Hobby

Enjoy a Hobby

Taking up a hobby may be good for your health. This might be anything you wish to do in your spare time, and some individuals choose a passion that could help them develop in their careers later on.

Remember that living a healthy lifestyle (both physically and mentally) is an ongoing process. Rather than attempting to make significant changes all at once, focus on one or two aspects of life in which you can make healthy changes immediately. Then, after those habits are ingrained in your daily rituals, go to the next element you want to improve.